Management Team

HuskyTHON is entirely student-run, and our Management Team of 32 undergraduate students is working tirelessly to make HuskyTHON 2025 better than ever before. These students are in charge of planning, organizing, overseeing, and executing the 18-hour dance marathon. The members of the Management Team are leaders within our organization who have specific duties throughout the year depending on their subteams. The group consists of five subteams: Communications, External Relations, Finance, Internal Relations, and Membership.

We are excited to introduce you to our Management Team members! By clicking on each team member’s name, you’ll be able to learn more about their position and responsibilities via pop-up tabs. If you’re interested in becoming part of the Management Team, be sure to explore each subteam’s responsibilities by clicking on their tab. You’ll also find contact information for each current position holder, giving you the opportunity to reach out with any questions via email.

Executive Director

Jylian Esposito

Executive Director

Office Hours: TBD


Izzy Casais

Vice President of Communications

Office Hours: TBD

Paige O'Keeffe

Creative Director

Office Hours: TBD

Mason Ferry

Director of Marketing

Office Hours: TBD

Emelie Mandeville

Director of Merchandise

Office Hours: TBD

Matt Farago

Director of Media

Office Hours: TBD

External Relations

Courtney Balerna

Vice President of External Relations

Office Hours: TBD

Shea Tirendi & Callie Lacey


Office Hours: TBD

Alex Zavelson

Alumni Relations

Office Hours: TBD

Ava Abruzzese & Jacquelyn Parker

Hospital Relations

Office Hours: TBD


Paul Leahy

Vice President of Finance

Office Hours: TBD

Matt LaCroix

Corporate Partnership

Office Hours: TBD

Sean Lage & Walker Toth

Donation Management

Office Hours: TBD

Rachel Praus


Office Hours: TBD

Tara Sperry

Strategic Fundraising

Office Hours: TBD

Internal Relations

Mikey Mahoney

Vice President of Internal Relations

Office Hours: TBD

Nora Casey

Special Events & Volunteers

Office Hours: TBD

Alyssa Piccoli


Office Hours: TBD

Kyle Grenier


Office Hours: TBD

Bailey Brake

Office Hours: TBD

Natalia Kruk
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Office Hours: TBD


Kyle Volo

Vice President of Membership

Office Hours: TBD

Tiernan Neville & Gianna Socci


Office Hours: TBD

Kris Davis & Alex Papazian

Campus Affairs

Office Hours: TBD

Emily Pesce

HuskyTHON Rising Leaders

Office Hours: TBD

Leah Craig & Molly Normandin

Dancer Relations

Office Hours: TBD